To Be God's Mask

Two and half years ago, my prayer was to be used. Due to financial logistics, I had decided to stay in the dorms one more year. Living in the dorms as a junior is definitely unusual. I didn’t even know my future roommate all that well - we both needed roommates and we sensed enough normalcy from each other to go for it. 

The summer before my junior year, my prayer was to be used in the dorms. If I was going to live in the dorms again - I wanted to be used. I wanted my living to serve a purpose - His purpose. The second night in the dorms, my roommate and I made a Walmart run. As we were waiting in line to check out, she had asked a question that I will never forget. She asked, “Hey so I know your faith is important to you and I was wondering if you would help me this year to figure out mine?”

God answered my prayer within my first week back in the dorms. I was graciously given a clear and loud answer. 

Turns out, that roommate grew to be my best friend. We spent the next two years attempting weekly bible studies. We kept our friendship as a priority and saw it as a blessing. Through our friendship we were able to converse over life observations and questions - building trust and an understanding of each other. In these two years, God was using me to shine His light on my friend. 

I am so thankful God called me to that friendship. It’s been one of my biggest blessings during the past few years.  

A few months ago, the same friend fell in love. Just like in Walmart, God gave me a clear and loud answer. She fell in love with an honest, respectful, committed, and God-loving man. 

God answered my prayer. He used me and continues to do so. God is present in every hidden aspect of our living. He works in actions and ways that are unknown to us. As Christians, we're able to witness glimpses of His hidden presence here on earth through His word, the actions of a stranger, a conversation between friends, and the talents and gifts bestowed on others. He is hidden - always presently seeking His children. 

I thank God that I was able to witness His hidden presence in that Walmart shopping aisle, the weekly bible studies, the growth of a genuine friendship, the Christ-like love between two friends, and the faith of a devout Christian man. I thank God for using me as a "mask" of His presence as He sought out my friend. May I continue to be a mask of His hidden and always seeking love. May others see His presence behind my existence. Amen.


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