His Redeemed
Themes. One of the many concepts you learn in a high school literature class. For myself, the concept of themes made literature more purposeful and intricate. My intrigue of literature sparked from the concept of themes. In literature, the theme is is the underlining story or "big idea." The theme is often the critical belief about life that the author is trying to convey through his/her writing.
Redeeming love has been my theme.
The second sin entered this world and destroyed the relationship between man and God, He already had a plan to redeem His creation. God's love has always been redeeming. The Israelites, God's chosen people, continually turned away from God - even when God kept them nourished and free from slavery. Despite the Israelites arrogance and inability to trust and believe in God's plan, God still watched over them and their well being. We have and will continue to turn away from the Truth. Even with our best intentions and motives, we will spend our entire earthly lifetime turning to and from God.
But because our God is one who seeks and reaches for the hearts of His children, He bestows His never ceasing and always redeeming love to His creation. With this perfect love, from a perfect Creator, our lives, perspective, purpose, identity, and existence reform. The way we see the world and react to it should reflect the love we have and will continually receive from our God.
The theme of your story and everyday living is your redemption through His perfect and righteous love.
And shall be till I die.
From the beginning of time to the end of time - His love will redeem. From the first breath you took as a wailing newborn to your last earthly breath - His love will redeem. From the second you wake up to the second you fall asleep - His love will redeem. From appetizers to dessert - His love will redeem. His love is always redeeming, because we are always in need of redemption.
As God's love redeemed throughout the Israelite's 40 year wandering, His love will continue to redeem His creation. The world, in all of it's history, has been redeemed by the same and perfect God with the same redeeming love. Praise God that His love always seeks and meets His children where they are. Praise God for His love that redeems His children, no matter where He might meet them. Praise God for being claimed as His redeemed.
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