Created to Create

In the past school year I have learned a great deal about sound.
What sound is, how we perceive it, how we create it, and what sound can create.
I've never been one to appreciate anatomy, but the anatomy of the ear is one of the most interesting topics I've learned so far. You learn quickly that the ability to hear is far more incredible than we take it for. From vibrations of air molecules - sound is created.
I've also learned a great deal about phonemes: the sounds of language. Where the articulators are placed, how they are produced, when they're normally produced... It makes something that seems so simple and concrete into an arbitrary, abstract ability. 

There are multiple reasons why I feel called into Speech Pathology, but one of the prominent reasons is because of it's value of communication. In my short 2 semesters of classes, I've realized how complicated and beautiful it is for humans to attain the ability to communicate. With physiology alone, it is clear that communication is built into our being. We take for granted the ability and concept of communication. Communicating is an every day occurrence - it seems only natural and inevitable. But when you get down to it, communication involves sound waves, nerve cells, placement of tongue and teeth, respiration, chopped up air, the movement of muscles and ligaments... there's nothing accidental about communication. We were created to communicate.

Along with the beautiful ability of communication, comes the beauty in the product of communication.

In many of my classes, we've discussed how language is culture and culture is language. Through language, a culture is created. Norms, identities, rituals, beliefs are established through language. How beautiful it is that we are able to create beauty from something that was created for us. He is completely and forever intentional with all that He creates and loves. Our Father creates His children for far more than we could imagine. Under his grace, we are created in His divine image.

Along with the beautiful power of His grace, comes the beauty in the product of His grace.

His grace was given to us with a purpose - to create and participate in beauty. We should never take for granted His ultimate sacrifice and the victory that He attained for us. Under His grace, we have the ability to create grace for others, to love others as He loved us, to forgive, to repent, to worship, to empathize. His grace allows us to live. We were created to live under His grace.

May we live freely under His grace and value it as the precious gift it is. And may His grace create beauty within His body of believers. Amen.


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