His Truth is Marching On

Truth remains true - forever. No amount of years, change of opinion, or a new generation can change the truth. Time doesn't touch truth. For something that stands completely on it's own and remains the same while the rest of the world continues to vastly and rapidly change from decade to decade, you'd think that the truth would be easy to detect. But evil is incredibly deceitful. 

Within the same month, I read a bibliography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and watched the movie Selma. The nights I finished the book and the movie, my heart hurt and my head wouldn't shut up. I wasn't able to fall asleep because I was reminded how humanity had the great ability to be completely blind to such terrible evil. During Bonhoeffer and King's lifetime, evil was disguised. In Bonhoeffer's situation, evil was disguised as participating in the greater good - making Germany a country everyone could be proud of. In King's situation, evil was disguised as a cultural norm and self-pride. Segregation and white supremacy were just apart of what life entailed. It's the way things had been and the way things were. Bonhoeffer and King were courageous ambassadors of the Truth when the world so desperately needed it.

Christians who timidly stand with only one foot on earth will also stand with only one foot in heaven.
– Dietrich Bonhoeffer

These men placed every aspect of their life in danger. Their lives, their loved ones, their future, their reputation, and their freedom were all in danger because they believed in the truth. They saw the deceit in the evil so they clung to the truth. And as they clung to the truth, they boldly placed both feet on earth to fight that evil. Bonhoeffer and King both understood that evil could not be conquered by one who "timidly stand[s] with only one foot on earth." They understood that to fight for the truth, one's perspective must be shaped by heaven rather than by time. When your perspective is shaped by time, your decisions are made on the basis of your needs and desires. However, when your perspective is shaped by heaven, your decisions revolve around the Gospel. Under heaven, lives are created to be lights of the Truth. With a heaven-shaped perspective, you understand the heart of the Creator who sought a broken world and redeemed it. You understand that it is your job, as a child of God, to have the same heart for the world. To seek the broken and live out the unconditional love which He bestows on everyone. When your perspective is shaped by time, it's extremely difficult to approach dangerous situations with integrity. Bonhoeffer and King put their own lives in danger multiple times because they were able to place the truth above their very own lives, knowing full well that they were called to eternity with their Father. Bonhoeffer and King lived out this heaven-shaped perspective boldly, courageously, and beautifully.

We are all called to live under heaven. We are called to be witnesses of the Truth. As beloved children of the Father, we know His love as the truth. We know that no matter the circumstance the world finds itself in, our God's love is true. His love is unconditional. His love is powerful. His love is seeking. His love endures. May we strive to live a life under heaven with both feet boldly placed on earth to call out evil and share the Truth. 

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He has loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword; 
His truth is marching on. 
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat; 
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat.
O, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! Be jubilant my feet!
Our God is marching on.
Glory, hallelujah! Glory, hallelujah! 
Glory, hallelujah! Glory, hallelujah


  1. once again. Profound. Two feet in heaven allows us to have two feet on earth. one foot in either place is a half-lived faith.


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