What's Your Story?

Lately, God has really laid it on my heart to find the bigger picture.
Recently my family and I took a trip to Guinea to help out my dad's best friend and his family with their mission work. My dad met Jack more than 10 years ago, when they worked at an inner city church together in St Paul, Minnesota. As we were sitting still and keeping our minds off the heat at the end of a long day, I couldn't believe that our families were brought together again...in Africa. God definitely had His hand in that.
More recently, my home church started the series with the book The Story. It's a book that goes through the bible in chronological order. Looking at how the Gospel can be found throughout the Bible.

Tonight, I opened the book of Lamentations. In Lamentations, Jeremiah foreshadows Jesus's weeping over Jerusalem six centuries later. Can you wrap your head around that?! From the time Adam and Eve took a bite of the fruit, God had already made a plan to deliver the world from sin.
The history of humanity, the current state of our society, and the hopeful future of the upcoming generations are all apart of this story. The gospel redeems all.

When it comes down to it, it all points back at the cross. The cross is our story. My personal story evolves into The Story. I am a redeemed child of God. My life, my story, reflects the Gospel. I live my life for Him. His death is my death. His triumph is my triumph.

My late grandfather's personal Savior, is the same redeeming Savior as my own. It is comforting and neat to think about how ancient and true this story is. How it has reached generations and generations. The same story that Abraham believed in, is the exact same story that gives me salvation. The Gospel is truly timeless and has and will continue to endure from generation to generation. Praise be to God!


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